Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself
We all deserve a life of joy and fulfillment, but for many of us that joy feels elusive. We've checked off all the boxes and done all the the things that the blueprint of life says should make us happy, and yet - no joy. Turns out, being happy isn't about following society's blueprint, but about creating our own blueprint for what we want out of our lives and taking action to make that happen. For us to embrace that opportunity, we first have to let go of other people prescriptions for our life choices, and build trust in our own inner compasses. That journey was hard and long for me, but it doesn't have to be. Join me as we explore and build an exciting future based on what YOU want, and how YOU feel inside, unlock a life of joy and fulfillment, and release yourself of the guilt of not enough.
Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself
How Quitting Paves the Way to Success
In this solo episode, tune in as I reflect on my entrepreneurial journey and share the constant messages I received about success and failure. I talk through my initial resistance to change and the realization that it was time for a new path. Despite the fear and concerns about what others might think, I discovered the importance of making choices based on what felt right for ME.
Join me on the journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and joy as we break free from the "shoulds" that hold us back. By embracing change, trusting ourselves, and writing our own blueprints, we can create lives that align with our authentic selves. Remember, there is no greater act of self-love than embracing who you truly are.
Key Takeaways:
- The prevailing wisdom often presents only two options: succeed or be a quitter. However, there is a third option, which defies prevailing norms and allows for personal growth without the fear of failure.
- Women are conditioned to be modest, reserved, and deferential, leading to self-doubt and a constant feeling of not measuring up. Breaking free from these societal expectations is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.
- Creating a life that aligns with one's authentic self involves questioning societal norms and determining what feels true and right in the present moment.
- Trusting oneself and listening to the inner voice is crucial in making choices that bring joy and empowerment.
- Writing one's own blueprint means breaking free from prescribed paths and exploring what truly brings fulfillment and happiness, even if it deviates from societal norms.
🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro.
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